Once Photoshop opens, go to your Filter menu and you should be able to access your Topaz Labs plugins. Be sure you are selecting the entire Topaz Labs LLC folder.ģ) Click Ok to save your changes, then restart Photoshop CS6.
Do not open the folder and pick anything inside. These instructions will not work with Photoshop CC or Photoshop 2015 or higher.ġ) Go to your Preferences menu in Photoshop CS6 and select Plug-ins.Ģ) Check/Enable the Additional Plug-ins Folder option then click Choose.ģ) Navigate to Finder > Applications > Topaz Labs LLC and select the Topaz Labs LLC folder. Gigapixel and Jpeg to Raw DO NOT function with Photoshop CS6. Sharpen AI, DeNoise AI, Adjust AI, Mask AI, and Studio 2 can work as plugins in Photoshop CS6. However, it is often still possible to install your Topaz Labs plugins to CS6 manually if desired. As a result, it is no longer supported by Topaz Labs either.
Photoshop CS6 is a legacy version of Photoshop prior to Adobe's switch to a subscription model that is no longer supported by Adobe. How To Install Topaz Labs Plugins To Photoshop CS6 (Mac and Windows)